


山姆來分享《The Female Body Bible(暫譯:女性身體聖經)》的一段內容,供大家參考「No one likes an over-active quad.(沒有人喜歡過度活躍的股四頭肌)」:
  • Muscle strength and muscle imbalance are further risk factors in women when it comes to knee-joint injury.
  • Women tend to be stronger in their quadriceps than in their glutes and hamstrings, so the quads tend to take over what these other muscles should be doing during exercise.
  • This is known as ‘quad dominance’ and it’s bad news for the knee joint because, during exercise like running, we need strong quads to straighten the knee and help to flex the foot forward, and then strong hamstrings and glutes to bend the knee and help to pull the leg backward, all while keeping our knee stable.
  • The muscle groups should work together, switching on and off as we move through our stride. When they don’t, usually because one is strong and the other is weak, the knee joint is at greater risk of injury.
  • Quad dominance is common in both active men and women, particularly in runners, who don’t do enough strength training or hill work to balance out the quadricep strength developed through running.
  • In women, the problem is compounded by the fact that our central nervous system happily switches on our quadriceps to deal with most situations and is more reluctant to get the hamstrings involved.
  • By not letting our glutes and hamstrings get a look in, we miss out on some serious power. Our glutes are our powerhouse when it comes to moving our legs, and they are really fatigue-resistant too, which means that they don’t tire quickly. 
  • Whether we’re running, lunging or jumping, we may not get the most out of our movements unless we address this muscle imbalance and learn to switch on the right muscles at the right time with good technique and, at first, lots of concentration.
  • 訓練課表中,動作順序的安排很重要。身體的能量及專注度會隨著訓練時間拉長而降低,建議把較為重要的動作安排在前面;這是為什麼下肢髖主導(如直膝硬舉)總是安排在上半段,而下肢膝主導(如分腿蹲、後腳抬高蹲)安排在下半段或缺席。
  • 下肢髖主導的訓練組數>下肢膝主導,如髖主導4組,膝主導2~3組。
  • 按摩淺背線,它是常見的緊繃熱區,有助於提升肌肉反應及感受度(訓練到位)。
  • 不需要大量的花俏動作,重點是學好基礎動作,然後漸進負荷或難度。
  • 別忘記,規律訓練。
